What you need to know about Training and competency, New Skills for Care Guidance is out now!
Wednesday 7th Aug 2024 - 13:49
Training is now broken down in to the following categories. 'Mandatory', 'Statutory' and 'additional'
- 'Mandatory' is compulsory training that is essential for care organisations.
- 'Statutory' is training required by law based under specific legislation such as the health and safety at work act.
- 'Additional' is training based on the needs of the service and people who draw on care and support. It is the employers legal responsibility to identify and provide the appropriate additional training.
Training is the underpinning knowledge that can be most effectively delivered by training providers such as Total Training. As a 'Skills for Care Endorsed Provider' we will always ensure that the content of out training includes the latest changes and information required for a role in care. We also run weekly programmes that include all of the 'Mandatory', 'Statutory' and 'additional' subjects typically required for a CQC regulated service. Making meeting your training requirements as simple as clicking 'book now'
Competency is separate to training.
Competency is a role for the employers to check and evidence that workers are competent to carry out their role. This should be on an ongoing basis and form part of the supervision process.
Formal competency checks are observations of the workers practice whilst they are carrying out key tasks such as medication administration and manual handling.
Frequency of these checks should be based on the complexity of the activity and / or when a new activity or risk is identified.
Don't forget fire drills should be practiced at least annually.
CQC offers more information for employers, please check out the links below.
Regulation 19 - Fit and proper persons employed
Looking for more information? Give us a call, we are always happy assist organisations to meet their mandatory requirements whilst keeping it as simple as possible.