Mandatory and Statutory training, what must you provide to your care staff?
Monday 14th Oct 2024 - 10:08
‘Statutory’ training is required by Law or a statutory body. An example of this is Health and Safety Training underpinned by Health and Safety at Work Act. ‘Mandatory’ training is the essential subjects identified for the safe and efficient delivery of your service. An example of this is nutrition and Hydration training identified because your service will support service users with their Nutrition and Hydration needs.
Regardless of whether the training is 'statutory' or 'mandatory' they are both compulsory for you to provide to your care staff.
So, what are the list of subjects that are compulsory for you to provide to your staff? Well, in the case of mandatory subjects this is where it can get a little more grey because the training identified as necessary to carry out regulated activities as part of their job duties and meet the needs of the people who draw on their care and support can potentially vary from organisation to organisation. Luckily we have spent many years working closely with 'Care Homes' and 'Domiciliary Care Agencies' and have identified the 20 statutory and mandatory subjects care services need.
- Manual Handling - Basic & People Handling
- First Aid - Basic Life Support
- Medication
- Safeguarding Adults
- Safeguarding Children
- Reporting and Recording
- Positive Behaviour Support & Non-restrictive Practice
- Mental Capacity Act (MCA)
- Deprivation of Liberties Safeguarding (DoLS/LPS)
- Communication
- Dignity
- Person Centred Care
- Autism
- Equality and Diversity
- Oral Health
- Food Safety
- Hydration and Nutrition
- Infection Prevention and Control
- Health and Safety
- Fire Safety
This list covers the bases for most services, if you are providing very specialist support you may identify additional training required.
We have built our live delivered training programmes around the above list ensuring each subject covers the latest updates and information that should be covered. We make it totally simple for our customers to meet their 'statutory' and 'mandatory' requirements. Every subject is included in our Live trainer delivered, 5 star trust pilot rated, weekly run training programmes
Care Certificate Induction Programme - Ideal for new starters
Mandatory Update programme - Perfect for existing staff
It's as simple as book now, we even remind you when updates are due.